
Tokenizing Content For Trust, Authenticity, Reputation & Freedom Of Speech

TOKON (Abstract)


Inspired by our past approach Network Integrity via Digital Authorization (NIDA) that either blocked spoofed webpages at source or warned the users regarding integrity of any tainted content with a Veracity Seal on the content page, we modelled trust, reputation, authenticity & freedom-of-speech into a decentralized microblogging app (dApp) that replaces human subjectivity with AI/blockchain algorithms and makes the system completely autonomous, objective and user friendly as an incentivized, dynamic framework to authenticate, validate, rate and visually display peer verified blockchained records of the content ownership as a QR-Coded NFT that renders content as an asset of value in NFT marketplaces.

TOKON Microblogging application (dApp) is built as a demonstrator of the DLT and AI powered democratic censorship-resistant decentralized app (dApp) with no centralized control over any decision pertaining to the content or the content creator. The TOKON dApp UX is like Twitter but without any centralized decision making by owners of the platform.


Curing the Information Disorder with Blockchain & AI

Tokenizing Content For Trust, Authenticity, Reputation,& Freedom of Speech

TOKON: A holistic approach to curb content misappropriation

Addresses all Content Missappropriation

Content misappropriation ranges from simple copyright infringement to more serious criminal transgressions like fake news and deep fake videos. As microblogging dApp, TOKON is designed to not only cure information disorder, but audit all types of content misappropriation including copyright, plagiarism, deep fake videos & spam to build deliver the quality content to all the stakeholders.

Ensures participation of all stakeholders

TOKON can be readily implemented through at least 5 nodes that include all the stakeholders such as: Content creator, Content curator, Content consumer, Content service provider (CSP) & Investor/staker node, who fuel the ecosystem with investments in the form of staked tokens. It can also be implemented at sixth node that may be instituted at Internet Service Provider (ISP) for government regulatory control in jurisdictions that mandate such control over content distribution.

Replaces Human

Information disorder has resulted in hundreds of fact-checking forums springing up since 2016, almost all of which, including those claiming to deploy AI, are centralized and vulnerable to subjective human judgement and they are not free from adversarial accusations of being discriminatory. TOKON not only takes the human prejudices out by deploying AI, but decentralizes content veracity decision options, and does it in real time. TOKON decentralized and distributed ecosystem built over Blockchain makes it significantly more robust and resilient than the state of the art.

3-Tier Tokenization of Content

TOKON deploys a novel 3-tier tokenomics model to not only prevent or stop disinformation but also to improve the quality of the content distributed. The ecosystem incentivizes the participation of all the stakeholders by rewarding their participation with a variant of reward fungible tokens. The content creators can also generate a non-fungible token (NFT) for each unique content created. The NFT also serves as the key authenticator of the veracity, ownership, quality, and popularity of the content and visually displayed on the content page as customized QR code that displays the real time rating of the published content.

Upholds freedom-of-speech

TOKON user experience is designed as a censorship-resistant microblogging dApp that balances the state interest in preventing spread of disinformation with the citizens right to freedom-of-speech. All decisions to decline a content or the content creator are made by democratic algorithms rather than arbitrary judgement of a human controller.

Content disinformation threshold

The standards of disinformation may vary in different geopolitical jurisdictions. The TOKON ecosystem allows regulators a democratic process to set a threshold for authenticity of any content to be served or rejected. The framework's AI engine is capable of filtering out tainted or fake content as defined by the real time AI scan of the content based on the threshold set.

How TOKON system works

The seamless, autonomous, non-partisan and holistic solution for the entire spectrum of content misappropriation

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